Happy Pawn Chess Camp

Happy Pawn Chess Camp
Intermediate & Advanced
Editions for kids!


Date : from 27 – 29 August
Time : 14:00 – 16:00

Day 1
  • Principle of “www” after
    each move the opponent makes
  • Common mistakes made in the openings
  • Interactive questions based on
    the concepts learned

Activity : Lichess arena tournament

Day 2
  • Common and rare opening traps
    based on the principles learned
  • Transition from the opening
    to middle game
  • Small introduction about pawn structures

Activity : Lichess arena tournament

Day 3
  • Continuation of middle game plans
    and pawn structures
  • Basic prophylaxis (finding and
    preventing opponents simple ideas)
  • Stopping the development of opponents
    pieces is important

Activity : Simul with the master


Date : from 27 – 29 August
Time : 10.00 – 12.00

Day 1
  • Advanced Tactics
  • Lichess Arena Tournament
  • Comment Selected Games

Activity : Lichess arena tournament

Day 2
  • Positional Understanding
  • Lichess Arena Tournament
  • Comment Selected Games

Activity : Lichess arena tournament

Day 3
  • Rook and Pawn vs Rook Ending
  • Simultaneous Chess with the Master

Activity : Lichess arena tournament


TypePrice per dayPrice per 3 days
Non-member ฿900 / day฿2300 / 3 days
Happy Pawn member4 credits / day10 credits / 3 days

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